Dido’s Song
Vladyslav Nazarchuk
I walk around, and darkness beclouds my eyes,
As if I were submerged in dark Dis’ domain,
While I wait for you, my Aeneas. Time flies,
Yet I’m still in pain.
Where dost thou still tread, my godly love? You left
Me like Apollo in his wondrous grace,
With gilded bow and quiver, lithe and deft,
Leaves around thy face.
What if some sly nymph bewitched you in that cave,
Where, in rain’s embrace, by Juno we were wed?
What if some cruel monster sent thee to thy grave?
—Or what if you fled?
Woe, my longing pain is burning me alive,
As if I hung above a great fiery pyre!
Venus’ son, oh, how I wish you to arrive:
You, my heart’s desire!